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Adult Only

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stand-up Electro - 站著電擊

Provide a better view of the PES corona electrode, I am standing up, facing the camera, looking down from the top of my erected cock, you can see the brass sphere tip of the urethral probe on top of my cockhead. The casing strap firmly constricts around the cockhead, transmitting continuous electric current, causing the glans swells even bigger, fastened even tighter. My cock spontaneously jerks up and down to the rhythm of the electric pulses. Ecstatic pleasure spreads through my mind, extremely happy.
提供一個較好的觀點來看 PES 冠式電極,我站著、朝向著鏡頭、從豎立的陰莖頂向下望,你可看到尿道探針的黃銅珠頂尖貼在我的龜頭上。導電的套索帶牢牢地捆住龜頭冠、傳輸著不斷的刺激電流、促使龜頭腫脹得更大、繫得更緊。我的陰莖自發地隨著電脈衝的節奏上下抽搐。欣喜若狂的快感傳遍了我的腦海、無比的極樂喜悅。

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